No Job Too Big or Small.

...our professional mechanics will take care of it

At AJ Cycles we are proud of the service we give to our customers. In our purpose built workshop our fully trained mechanics with years experience will put the life back in to your ride. Open 5 days a week, we aim to offer the fastest turnaround possible for your bike; usually within 48 hours or the same day if it's pre-booked.

We offer many more services from fork rebuilds to Di2 set-up.  If your requirement isn't listed below please call 01933 353238 or email us for a quote.  Or fill out our booking form and we will get in touch to book you in


Level 1 = £59.99*

Our first level of service to give your bike a ‘once over’. 


  • Torque all bolts
  • Align and adjust brakes
  • Align and adjust gear shifting
  • Adjust Headset
  • Inspect bottom bracket
  • 29 Point Inspection

*Extra £20 charge for e-bikes - includes diagnostic report and software update


Level 2 = £99.99* 

This is our most popular service... 

Includes everything in Level 1 plus:

  • Remove and deep clean all drivetrain components
  • Wipe down frame
  • Lateral and vertical wheel true
  • Adjust wheel bearings*

*Where applicable

*Extra £20 charge for e-bikes - includes diagnostic report and software update


Level 3 = £174.99*

This is ‘the works’ and the cheapest way to give you that new bike feeling! 

Includes everything in Level 2 plus:

  • Disassemble entire bike and deep clean all parts
  • Advanced frame inspection
  • Bleed hydraulic brakes*
  • Replace and re-route all cables and housing
  • Advanced wheel true to manufacture standards

*Where applicable

*Extra £20 charge for e-bikes - includes diagnostic report and software update

*Suspension Servicing & Pivot Servicing not included, call for quote


The small print.....

Please note: additional labour charges may apply for necessary work that is outside the scope of each service level. 

All prices exclude the cost of new parts.

The fitting of any new parts will always be agreed prior to the work being carried out. 

E-bike systems supported are Bosch, Fazua, Hyena, TQ, Shimano Steps and Specialized.

Among everything we offer in the workshop, there is one service we cannot do – we are unable to fit parts and bits purchased on the internet. The reason for this is that warranty, public liability and insurance lies with us as the professionals last involved with the maintenance of your bike. When using our workshop services, our pricing of parts and accessories includes that warranty, insurance, peace of mind and professional back-up – unfortunately we can’t afford to give it away as the liability will remain with us.

1st Free Service

We offer a 1st free service on all new bikes sold by AJ Cycles.
The 1st free service is done as New bikes go through a bedding in stage.

This service is has a time limit of 6 months


***Please note that we are unable to store your bike for longer than 7 days from the service being completed. Bikes stored past the time will incur a £1 per day storage charge.***